来自网友【昂昂万里】的评论错过好剧不要紧,奋起直追。第一集承接上一季。因为过失导致服务生死亡的Kendall被老爷子抓住了把柄,形同行尸走肉,像失了宝玉的贾宝玉,叫他吃便吃,给个枕头就睡。Roman都叫他作walking dead。Kendall在自家媒体上向老爷子道歉,按剧本讲话。My dad's plan is better这句话至少说了三次,第一次在屏幕中,第二次对着兄弟手足,第三次对Stewy。重机车不准骑,应该也是老爷子的示下。前妻已经不参加家族活动了,在夏宫的这次聚会上,家族人人都瞧不起的Connor的女朋友都有一席之位,Rava却没有出现,大概也有Kendall吸毒的原因。Kendall已经被老爷子阉了。这部剧的一些隐喻很有趣。这集是是死在烟囱里的浣熊带来的顽固臭气。其实这个家也像夏宫一样,臭味熏天,却没人费心去找一找源头。也许像Kendall说的,你最终会习惯的(You'll get used to it.)。同样的隐喻,上一集还有Connor舍不得把自己患癌症的老狗安乐死,最后付钱给酒吧的人,三千刀一枪致命。对应这个家族,谁是将死的老狗,谁是付钱的人,谁又最后按下了扳机。老爷子一个短信,我要卖公司。于是利益驱使,所有人齐聚夏宫。谁也不知道虚实,连老爷子自己其实也没有主意,到底是fight,还是sell。剧中也提到了柯达,1997年时股价一百美元,昨天三块钱就可以买到。夕阳产业的前车之鉴。Kendall已成木偶,Shiv以为老爷在试探,Roman只会拍老爷子马屁,上季卫星发射失败的事还没处理好。一番彼此试探你来我往勾心斗角之后,老爷子下了决心:留住公司血战到底,如果几年之后只有一家传统媒体公司活着,那就是我们。Kendall: My dad wanted me to ask if there's any way through this, an asset swap or something else. An arrangement that leaves you happy and him in control?Stewy: As you know our position is we're really after the whole thing.Kendall: Then he wanted me to tell you that obviously our public line will be that we're considering the offer but it doesn't matter what you offer. He will never recommend this to the board. You're gonna bleed cash and he's gonna bleed cash. It will never end. And maybe you'll kill him but if you don't he will aim to kill you. He will go bankrupt or go to jail before he lets you beat him. He will beat you in the business and if that doesn't work he will send people around. He will send men to kill your pets and fuck your wives and it will never be over.Sandy Furness: Good, well, let's move ahead with that process, shall we?血战开始。