来自网友【Aubrey233】的评论Barry维护穷人的权益:That's social engineering. That's... apartheid. Herding people into ghettos because they don't fit the aesthetic.There's a name for that, isn't there?Oh, you find language disgraceful but not this?the Parish Council's not here to make a quick buck for somebody who already has more than enough.We are the guardians of something unique.We are the custodians and the stewards of a shining principle.We do not turn our backs and look away from people in need.Our vote is in response to a simple question enshrined in law.Is the legacy still of benefit?Yes. It has never been so important. Never!When we vote, we must vote to protect it.It's that simple.其实开始我也觉得每个人都希望自己的小区干净整洁安全。老爷爷斥责穷人:They choose to stick needles in and rob decent folk.It's just take-take-take-take and people have got to be responsible for their own choices.医生反驳:And you're supposed t honour that work that's done on youby staying below a certain weight,but you don't, you eat and eat and eat,you're practically mainlining foie gras into your eyeballs.So all that medication has to be doubled,trebled,because you've made a lifestyle choice and it all costs,right down to that cream for that disgusting rashunder your belly, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of pounds.Which means that you, Howard, are a bloody hypocrite!我们以前有时也会觉得那些screwups是自己没有自制力啊自甘堕落什么的(虽然自然/现代主义说这是生活环境使然,但还是会有怒其不争的感觉)但是医生却指明那些看似高尚成功的人也只是五十步笑百步。整天想着sex的少年说:I'm on a quest for authenticity.I'm casting off the yoke of...claustrophobic, middle-class, liberal principles.Colin, you are a crypto-Fascist control freak."My house. My roof. My rules."而父母却觉得: He wants to hurt us.连个房子都没有真的是让人无法硬气起来。伍尔夫论女权时就说,女性要得到平等就先要有自己的房子和经济上的独立。父母动不动就能说是我生你养你的,你没有钱你能怎么样,遇到争吵就觉得你怎么让我们操碎了心。